Our institute offers a wide range of topics for student theses at Hamburg University of Technology.
Interested students can find open topics for project, Bachelor’s or Master’s theses here.
You are also welcome to contact us directly if you have your own topic suggestion. Theses can be written in German or English.
NOTE: Please send applications with CV and overview of grades!
Open theses
Robotics and automation
We currently have the following topics for final theses/project work:
Master thesis with the topic
Title: Development and testing of an approach for the collaborative transportation of goods in a robot swarm
Detailed Information: Link
Application with CV and overview of grades to or
3D object recognition
No theses are currently offered in this area.
Logistics planning
Final theses/projects at the Institute of Technical Logistics in collaboration
During your work, you will be employed by FORTNA for a limited period of 6 months and receive an expense allowance.
The following topics / titles are available:
(3) Sustainability / Analysis of energy consumption in intralogistics: LINK
(4) Process costs, value stream analysis / Development and implementation of a process cost and value stream analysis for intralogistics: LINK
All details under the respective documents/links.
contact person: Hendrik Rose
Localization and Location Based Services
We currently have the following jobs available:
Thesis/project work at the Institute of Technical Logistics
Title: Development of a concept for the investigation of factors influencing the localization quality of a UWB-based localization system
All details under: Link
Application with CV and overview of grades to: Markus Knitt
We currently have the following topics for final theses/project work:
Thesis/project work at the Institute of Technical Logistics
Title: Developing Physically Accurate Environmental Representations for Synthetic Data Generation in
Computer Vision Testing
All details under: Link
Application with CV and overview of grades to Jiahua Wei.
We currently have the following topics for final theses/projects:
Final/bachelor thesis at the Institute of Technical Logistics
Working title: Survey-based evaluation of the degree of utilization of digital technologies in fruit growing
All details under: Link
Application with CV and overview of grades to Hendrik Rose.
Speculative application for thesis projects
Speculative application
Students are welcome to send speculative applications for thesis projects.
Please send your application to:
Completed student theses
Project theses
Pointcloud Generation and Extraction of Pallet Rack Segments
Location Based Services als Instanzerweiterung von Warehouse Management Systemen
Entwicklung eines Service Portfolios für ein Netzwerk zur Erforschung von Enterprise Blockchain Lösungen
Simulation logistischer Prozesse basierend auf Daten von Sensorn und betrieblichen Steuerungsdaten
Omni-channel logistics – a challenge for planning and controlling warehousing, picking, packing and shipping
Design, control and simulation of a carousel system with Plant Simulation
Design and simulation of the SCS pre-zone in Plant Simulation
Designing and programming a sorting station with Lego Mindstorms
Comparison of different consensus mechanisms in the blockchain
Implementation and testing of a prototype of the assembly algorithm by Makris et al. (2013)
Working title Four-phase model. Comparison with standards and process description (cooperation with Metroplan)
Presentation of the development of the online marketplace Silk Road and analysis of the influence on the cryptocurrency Bitcoin
Modeling of a business model for the DIGICR platform using the E3 Value Model
Development of a concept for the order planning of a matrix production
Object recognition and tracking for speed monitoring of automated guided vehicles
Development and implementation of a visualization for results of a material flow simulation
Analysis and evaluation of the functions and fields of application of the blockchain platform Tradelens
Analysis and presentation of solutions for the design of matrix assembly production
Pointcloud Generation and Extraction of Pallet Rack Segments
Planning and setting up a workstation for consolidating picking orders
Development and programming of an educational game for technical logistics topics with Python
Comparison and evaluation of different hash functions in blockchains
Comparison of cryptocurrencies: Functionality, development and appearance
Design, control and simulation of a carousel system with Plant Simulation
Structure and simulation of the SCS pre-zone in Plant Simulation
Comparison of different consensus mechanisms in the blockchain
Four-phase model. Comparison with standards and process description (in cooperation with Metroplan)
Presentation of the development of the online marketplace Silk Road and analysis of the influence on the cryptocurrency Bitcoin
Modeling a business model of the DIGICR platform using the E3 Value Model
Development of a factory planning concept using the case study of Carbon Truck & Trailer GmbH (cooperation)
Use of driverless transport systems and shuttle systems in hazardous areas
3D modeling of the building of the Institute of Technical Logistics in Tarakos‘ ‘taraVRBuilder’
Comparison of different concepts for folding shipping containers
Testing and implementation of an automated storage and retrieval system and a high-bay warehouse using the Lego Mindstorms system
Comparison of development platforms for blockchain applications
JavaScript, Node-RED and MQTT for Industry 4.0: networking and status visualization of autonomous transport vehicles
Development and testing of an automated order picking workstation for demonstration purposes based on Lego-Mindstorms©
Development of a tool to simulate the directional stability of tugger trains (in cooperation with Jungheinrich AG)
Analysis of the application and research status of navigation sensors for driverless transport systems
Bachelor theses
Optimizing the utilization of a matrix assembly system by designing and implementing a genetic algorithm for machine scheduling
Accuracy measurement of the motion capture system
Evaluation and selection of a real-time localization technology for tracking medical devices used for demonstration purposes
Optimization of article tracking for media technology based on serial numbers to increase quality and transparency in the after-sales process (cooperation Ampton System Company GmbH)
Autonomous delivery robots: A critical analysis of fields of application and technologies used in research and industry
Development and Implementation of a Simulation Model for the Optimization of Buffer Concepts in Filling and Packing Lines (in cooperation with Beiersdorf AG)
Analysis of the impact of Brexit on logistics and supply chain and planned countermeasures by companies
Scanners in contract logistics (in cooperation with LGI – Logistic Group International)
Production logistics, warehouse logistics and Industry 4.0 (cooperation with AEB)
Development and prototypical realization of a coupling mechanism for the connection of rollable load carrier modules
Analysis of the Twitter communication interface for fault messages in Hamburg’s public transportation system
Parameterization of a time-of-flight sensor and integration into the programmable logic controller of a conveyor system carousel
Deep reinforcement learning in maintenance and inventory management, case study: Free Floating Emmy Sharing (cooperation with Electric Mobility Concepts GmbH)
Development of a social media strategy for communication with the stakeholders of a university institute
Development and implementation of a solution for the web-based presentation of a production process
Analysis of the “end to end” transport of large parts and the optimization approaches based on the FAL China delivery
Development and implementation of a web-based concept for the animation of a material flow simulation
Types of simulation in material flow systems: Comparison of different concepts, analysis and evaluation of current software packages for the simulation of logistic systems
Analysis and evaluation of current software packages for the simulation of logistic systems
Development and implementation of a material flow simulation of a dispatch center for spare parts
Development and implementation of an experiment manager for logistics simulation software
Experimental investigation and qualification of favorable 3D sensors for segmentation tasks
Creation of a manual for external company management
Critical evaluation of the improvement potential of Pick by Vision
Dimensioning of material flow systems in intralogistics
Forecasting the state of health of lithium-ion batteries using machine learning (in cooperation with Jungheinrich AG)
Development, analysis and evaluation of strategies for handling the increasing transport volume on the traileryard of the Daimler AG plant in Hamburg (in cooperation with Daimler AG)
Procedure, methods and tools of factory planning based on case studies – influence of different planning cases
Improvement measures in warehouse planning – comparison of the actual situation with possible scenarios
Development of a methodology for the selection and evaluation of horizontal and vertical transportation technology in intralogistics
Optimization potential of picking and inspection processes using innovative technologies using the example of a logistics service provider in the aviation industry
Design and simulation of a semi-automated warehouse with Plant Simulation
Blockchain: functionality, fields of application and potential in logistics
Development and implementation of a prototype to support logistics planning with virtual reality
Digital assistants in logistics – critical evaluation of technology and potential applications
Development of a procedure for the economically optimized design of the supply chain in Asia for components to be procured
Experimental investigation and evaluation of lane guidance systems for small driverless transport vehicles
Development of an intelligent open-fronted storage container for automatic weight detection of bulk goods
Development of person recognition and tracking for mobile robots using machine learning
Development and testing of a driverless transport vehicle on a model scale to demonstrate optical guidance concepts
Potential and possible applications for smart glasses in logistics, production and service
Analysis of activities and results in the research field of technical logistics
Master theses
Development and testing of a driverless transport vehicle on a model scale to demonstrate optical guidance concepts
Potential and possible applications of smart glasses in logistics, production and service
Analysis of activities and results in the research area of technical logistics
Development of a single page application using gamification principles for the technical logistics lecture
Design and development of a modular and scalable load carrier for the aircraft industry
Development of a concept for the introduction of a “Hoshin Kanri” process (cooperation with Jungheinrich/ Lean Management/Continuous Improvement department)
Development and testing of a robot platform with sensors for indoor localization
Development of a consulting concept for the creation of a specification sheet for automated industrial trucks
Economic integration of customized solutions in a series production (cooperation with Jungheinrich AG)
Decision characteristics and utility value analysis for a centralized and decentralized dispatch concept from the factory premises (cooperation with Lufthansa Technik)
Development of a methodology for the selection & evaluation of storage systems
Cross aisle detection in warehouses using Lidar sensors (cooperation with Jungheinrich AG)
Process modeling, analysis, comparison and optimization of raw material in label printing industry (cooperation with All4Labels)
Concept for model-based design of the production system in the aircraft development process (cooperation with Airbus)
Development and simulation of location-based services for planning forklift trips in an order picking warehouse
Evaluation of the economic efficiency of maintenance
Text analytics in knowledge management – presentation of theoretical approaches and their use in business
Possible applications of big data analytics in the OEM supply chain in the automotive industry
From the container ship to the workplace.
The automation status of logistics process chains along a generic process model – existing solutions, current research projects & existing research gaps
Development of IoI-based route planning and order placement for driverless transport systems
Design development and construction of an order picking module for a modular load carrier
Conception and testing of a model for comparing simulation systems for material flow processes
Development of a demonstrator to evaluate the usability of blockchain in logistics
Development and validation of a material flow concept for a site expansion of a mechanical and plant engineering company (cooperation LUBING Maschinenfabrik Ludwig Bening GmbH
Development of a logistics concept for the material supply on the example of a manufacturing company in Shanghai (cooperation with Jungheinrich AG, Werk Qhengpu)
Analysis and evaluation of order placement and routing algorithms in intralogistics
Evaluating the potential of improvement of smart contracts in maritime logistics using a prototype
Development of a simulation tool for the simulation and evaluation of routing concepts for tugger trains
Development of a conceptual portfolio for the evaluation of location-based services in intralogistics and industrial production
Conception and evaluation of the use of driverless transport systems at a contract logistics service provider (cooperation with Stute/Kühne)
Identification of deviations in procurement through scalable supply chain (cooperation with Jungheinrich AG)
Development of a decision-making process for the selection of an optimal palletizing strategy and technology (cooperation with Metroplan)
Material flow analysis using the example of MWZ
Development of a prototype for the application of blockchain and smart contracts in aircraft maintenance
Modeling and evaluation of operating strategies of a high-bay warehouse with shuttle systems and transport elevators
Development of a maturity model for the digitalization of procurement processes using the case study of an industrial truck manufacturer (cooperation Jungheinrich AG)
Development of an intralogistics concept for standardized factory planning projects using the example of an electrical connection technology company
Production control within electroplating (cooperation with LHT AG)
Modeling for the design and evaluation of efficiency and adaptability of assembly systems in the automotive industry
Optimization of a global supply chain using the example of product packaging in technical wholesale (cooperation with Reyher AG)
Further development of the existing KPI system for process control using Lean Six Sigma methods (cooperation with Stute GmbH)