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Data sharing for the public good


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to benefit society in many ways, for example in healthcare to diagnose diseases or in environmental protection to improve traffic planning. However, to realise the potential of AI algorithms, large data sets of high quality are needed.

The focus of this work will be on explaining individual data sharing behavior for the public good.

One area of application is cybersecurity: Potential cyberthreats can be identified using anomaly detection algorithms, for example, to detect conspicuous patterns in the transmission behaviour of smart home devices. Protection for all users of such a security software can only be guaranteed or improved if individuals are willing to share their data with the software.

As part of a thesis, it would also be imaginable to design user interfaces and to analyse the influence of design factors on the willingness to share data.

Potential research questions in this context could be:

  1. What factors influence individuals’ willingness to share their data for the public good?
  2. How should user interfaces be designed to increase the willingness to share data in this context?


Please explain in a motivation letter (ca. 1 page) why you are interested in this topic.

Contact Person

Jan-Niklas Anders