Together with project partners from industry and science, we realize projects in the fields of intralogistics, production technology, factory planning and software engineering. We develop process-optimized software for our partners, design and implement the construction of prototypes, are available as consultants and experts and offer seminars.
On this page we present our current and completed research projects. You can find out more about the individual projects, results and partners on the respective subpages.
If you are interested in cooperating with the Institute of Logistics Engineering, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Duration: 01.01.2024 – 30.09.2024
Research area: Logistics and factory planning
As part of the Container Shuttle project, a concept for improving the storage of empty tank containers at a logistics service provider in the Port of Hamburg is being developed together with the project partners BSPartner, Ernst Logistik and HIT Hafen- und Industrietechnik GmbH .
Detailed project information: Link
Duration 12/2022 to 12/2025
Research area: Machine learning
With a focus on the development of smart automation systems and services for fruit growing in the Lower Elbe region, the SAMSON project is geared towards the specific challenges in the Alten Land region.
Detailed project information: Link
The project website can be accessed via the following link:
Duration 09/2022 to 11/2025
Research area: Mobile robotics and simulation
ITL develops innovative technical solutions in the field of mobile robotics and material flow simulation for efficient material supply and planning in the logistics of the aviation industry.
Detailed project description: Link
Duration 09/2023 to 09/2025
Research area: Mobile robotics
The RoboLab2 project is the continuation of the predecessor project RoboLab1, which was successfully completed at the end of 2023, and builds on it. The control station developed in RoboLab1 for the control, monitoring and visualization of robot experiments will be further developed for collaborative robotics.
Detailed project description: Link
PrepAir - Sustainable aircraft fuselage industrialization Focus area: Logistics and factory planning
Duration 07/2022 to 07/2024
Research area: Logistics and factory planning
For the planning of logistics real estate, a reference model for the integrated and simultaneous design of building structures and logistics systems is being developed for the first time and tested as part of a software demonstrator.
Detailed project information: Link
Duration 10/2022 to 09/2025
Research area: Machine learning
AGenC is a grassroots project with a focus on information and communication technology (ICT) in cyber-physical systems (CPS).
Detailed project information: Link
Duration 04/2022 to 06/2024
Research area: Robotics
A building block for an integrated and more sustainable transport system is the combination of automated public transport services and goods transportation in public transport.
All details about the project: LINK
Duration 03/2021 to 02/2024
Research area: AI (Artificial intelligence), e-learning
The aim of the GENERATING project was to develop an adaptively controlled task generator based on artificial intelligence (AI) for engineering subjects at the TUHH in cooperation with the Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS), the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) and the Computing Center (RZ). Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
All details can be found at: GENERATING
Duration: 07/2020 to 06/2023
Research area: Automated creation of logistics dossiers
The LuFo project “Automated data linking from design to production” was launched in July 2020.
In the consortium, ITL is responsible for feeding back the work results to logistics.
Further details can be found at: ADAPT
Duration 05/2022 to 06/2023
Research area: Logistics planning
The productivity of warehousing and order picking processes is influenced by the load carriers used to transport containers and components. The size, weight and design of the load carriers influence the steps in the logistics process chain, the ergonomics of the work tasks to be performed and ultimately the costs of production. In cooperation with a company, a prototype of a modular load carrier was developed, which is now to be further developed into a pre-series and tested in practice. For this purpose, an improved welded construction of the load carrier is to be created and produced in a small series. This pre-series will then be tested and evaluated in a practical study in the logistics department of the cooperation company. The aim is to take a further step towards the industrialization of modular load carriers.
Duration 11/2021 to 04/2023
Research area: Mobile robotics
The aim of the RoboLab project is to set up a robotics laboratory to investigate a wide range of research questions relating to (port) robotics, localization and control architecture.
All details can be found at: Robotik-Labor
Duration 03/2022 to 02/2023
Research area: Virtual Reality
Comprehensive and realistic training of personnel in production, assembly and logistics is an important prerequisite for meeting future social and industrial requirements. Up to now, personnel have received time-consuming and cost-intensive theoretical and practical training in training centers in order to train existing personnel or to train new employees. Once training has been completed in training centers, there are usually accompanied, but nevertheless time-consuming and sometimes error-prone “on-the-job” training units on customer-specific products during operation. Virtual reality (VR)-based training solutions are increasingly being developed to counter these problems. Until now, however, these had to be developed at great expense by VR developers. Furthermore, existing solutions cannot be adapted by operational personnel in production and logistics planning after their one-off development in order to be able to react to product and process changes. The aim of the project is to design and implement an environment to simplify the creation and testing of training scenarios for employees in logistics and production systems.
Duration: 11/2021 to 11/2022
Research area: Logistics planning
In the course of the expansion of production at the Airbus plant in Stade, logistics must also keep pace. To this end, activities are to be combined and expanded in a new logistics center. The institute was commissioned to carry out a feasibility study and to draw up a concept for the material flow, the necessary building and the technical equipment.
Duration: 01/2020 to 12/2021
Research area: Mobile robotics, autonomous driving, delivery robots
Development of a future-proof and sustainable mobility system by combining passenger and freight mobility: Integration of goods transport into the existing, real and automated bus operation of the TaBuLa project in the public space of the city of Stadt Lauenburg/Elbe.
Further details can be found at: TaBuLaLOG
Duration: 11/2020 to 10/2021
The I³ project “Highly Immersive Virtual Reality Applications for Maritime Systems” focuses on the integration of localization data from motion capture systems into virtual reality applications.
In this context, a prototype of a virtual reality training application for the crew of the fire-fighting vessel “Branddirektor Westphal” of the Hamburg fire department is to be developed.
Further details can be found at: I³ PROJEKT
Duration 01/2018 until 06/2021
Research area: Digital supply chain, load carrier designs
The depot project is a collaborative project of the aviation research program. The objectives of the project are the digital optimization of supply chain processes with a strong focus on product tracking and tracing as well as the development of improved load carriers during the entire product creation process.
All details under the following link: DEPOT
Duration: 04/2020 to 12/2020
Research area: Blockchain technology, construction industry, building inspection
The Institute of Technical Logistics and the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing are conducting a joint short study to investigate the potential and use cases of blockchain technology in construction inspection.
All details can be found at: Blockchain technology for building inspection
Duration: 04/2019 to 01/2021
Research area: Indoor localization, mobile robotics, location-based services
The project Industrial Indoor Localization 2 (IIL 2) is run by the research consortium Still, Pepperl+Fuchs and two institutes of the TUHH. This is the follow-up project to IIL, which resulted in an open-source software standard for environment modeling (RAIL) including a demonstrator. Building on this result, the IIL 2 project focuses on the further development of RAIL until it is suitable for industrial use.
All details can be found at: INDUSTRIELLE INDOOR-LOKALISIERUNG 2
Duration: 08/2019 to 04/2020
Research area: 3D object recognition, sensor technology, AI, Building Information Modeling (BIM)
For digital building data modeling, it is being investigated whether and which software could be used to automatically extract and process relevant 3D measurement data in order to reduce the currently time-consuming manual processing.
All details can be found at: 3D object recognition on construction sites and buildings
Duration: 08/2018 to 09/2019
Work area: Planning of logistics locations
As part of the project, a feasibility study was carried out for the consolidation of several geographically distributed warehouses into one warehouse for aircraft cabin parts.
All details under the following link: Airbus warehouse consolidation
Duration: 01/2019 to 05/2019
Research area: Simulation, material flow
The increasing variety of products in many industries poses major challenges for conventional production systems with rigidly interlinked assembly lines. As part of this research project, production using assembly lines is compared with an alternative form of production, matrix assembly.
All details can be found under the following link: Feasibility studies of a matrix assembly system
Duration: 09/2017 to 04/2019
Research area: Indoor localization, mobile robotics, location-based services
The IIL project dealt with the development of an open-source reference architecture for indoor localization. The project was carried out in a consortium with various industrial partners and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
All details can be found at: ILL
Duration: 06/2017 to 02/2018
Research area: Augmented reality, assisted reality, data glasses
Analysis of which areas in the after-sales sector can be supported by data glasses (in particular repair and maintenance of devices).
All details under: Datenbrillen für komplexe Wartungs- und Reparaturleistungen
Duration: 11/2017 to 09/2018
Research area: Simulation, material flow
Development and simulation of an approach for an optimized material flow in a plastic producing plant
All details under: Link
Duration: 09/2016 to 10/2017
Research area: Simulation, material flow
Development of a new approach for the simulation of complex material flow systems.
All details under: Materialflusssysteme