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Thesis Topics

Thesis Title Thesis Type Contact Person
Incentivizing sustainable consumer behavior in e-commerce Master Thesis Charlotte Goblirsch
Data sharing for the public good Master Thesis Jan-Niklas Anders

How to apply for a thesis

In addition to our open topic calls, we give motivated students the opportunity to realize their own research ideas as part of their master thesis. The application should clarify the scientific problem and your motivation for dealing with the topic.

Basically we are open to thesis topics defined in collaboration with firms. Please note, however, that a bachelor or master thesis is a scientific work aiming at answering a research question.


Beside the theoretical and practical contribution of a thesis, we also emphasize on a formally accurate work and a comprehensible text. Pay attention to avoid flaws in your literature work, in your citations and your text. Please consider our guidelines when writing your thesis. Our guidelines for writing scientific papers can be downloaded here. For German-speaking students: A presentation on the rules of good scientific practice can be found here.

Application Form

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