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The Institute of Innovation Marketing as a talent pool

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For 15 years now, every winter and summer term, outstanding students in economics and related fields have been admitted to the “WiWi-Talents” program. The award winners are included in the renowned “WiWi Talent Book”, which is presented to over 500 HR decision-makers of well-known companies in the German-speaking area. This interlinking of science and business benefits not only students, but also companies that can get in touch with highly talented young students.

“WiWi-Talents” are not only characterized by excellent grades, but also convince by well matured future and career planning. In addition, a letter of recommendation from a professor is expected by the jury members.

For the winter term 2019/2020, one of our master’s students – Lukas Nielandt – was selected as a “WiWi talent” on the suggestion of Professor Lüthje. This makes our institute for innovation marketing a proud “WiWi talent pool”.

Promotion celebration of Ms. Frederike Esther Rhein

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We had reason to be happy on February 14th 2020! Ms. Rhein has successfully passed her doctoral examination with us at the institute.

On that occasion, Supervisor Prof. Dr. Christian Lüthje and Sabine Dobberitz, of course, presented some flowers and gifts.

Well done and Congratulations! The examiners, friends and family of Ms. Rhein and the whole staff of the institute felicitate.