Smart Sensors Group

Welcome to the Smart Sensors Group of the TUHH! The working group has a strong interest in smart sensors for space environments and challenging environments in general. Our Research considers digital data and signal processing, real-time data processing, energy-efficient processing, as well as reliability, fault tolerance and embedded fault diagnosis in the context of 'smart' sensor and satellite technology.

Smart Sensors Group Members

The Teaching is related to the above-mentioned main topics and teaches general contents around technical computer science (Technische Informatik).


2024-09-19 Teaching in up-coming winter semester 2024/2025

In the upcoming winter semester WS24, we will again offer interesting courses. The lecture Energieeffizienz in eingebetteten Systemen and two Seminare on the topics of intra-satellite communication using LiFi, and sensors under space conditions. Another interesting course will be Research Based Learning

2024-08-19 VDI Preis 2024 - 2. Platz für Julian Neundorf

Every year, the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (VDI) and its local district association honor outstanding bachelor's, diploma and master's theses by young engineers in the Hamburg area. Julian Neundorf was awarded 2nd prize for his Master's thesis on “Investigation of the effect of different measurement voltage parameters in the bioimpedance measurement of potatoes”. Congratulations Julian!

2024-06-10 Exciting Unboxing

Even though the experiments around BEAT were some time ago, things got exciting again last Friday. We received the hardware back from the ISS and subjected it to an initial inspection at DLR Bremen. Thank you again for the great collaboration with your colleagues at DLR Bremen. We are looking forward to the follow-up projects (BEAT and beyond!)

2024-05-06 Article in the 'Hamburger Abendblatt' about our EduSat project

As part of our EduSat teaching project, we recently launched the first series of teaching courses Grundlagen Raumfahrtelektronik. The Hamburger Abendblatt has published an article on this. The long-term goal is to develop and launch a real CubeSat in combination with courses and working groups together with students. The scientific mission will also be developed in an interdisciplinary manner on the TUHH campus.

2024-04-01 Yannick joined our group!

Yannick Loeck joined the Smart Sensors group the 1st of April (no joke). He will strengthen our research team and will work on the recently started project EduSat. Welcome, Yannick!

2024-02-27 We are on board! With RISA we will provide a payload for the DLR small satellite PLUTO

The use of smaller, more efficient and cost-effective FPGAs is also becoming increasingly important in the space segment. We therefore feel honored that our proposed payload RISA (Reliability Investigation of Low Power FPGAs for Space Applications) from TUHH's Smart Sensors Group has been selected by Institute of Space Systems at DLR in Bremen to fly on the 6U CubeSat PLUTO. We believe that RISA will make important scientific contributions to the reliable use of low power (LP) FPGAs in space missions over the duration of the DLR PLUTO mission.

2024-01-18 Christopher joined our group! New Doctoral Researcher at Smart Sensors Group

Christopher Büchse joined the Smart Sensors group as Doctoral Researcher with the 16th of January. He will strengthen our research team and will work on the recently started DLR research project SArES. Welcome, Christopher!

2024-01-15 Here we go: Preparatory workshop for the DLR parabolic flight campaign

Thibault Paris (Novespace), Ulf Kulau and Urs-Vito Albrecht (University Bielefeld) at Novespace, Bordeaux, at the preparatory workshop for participation in the DLR parabolic flight campaign. The parabolic flight campaign is part of our currently running AuRelia project.

2024-01-01 New research project SArES started

SArES is making an important contribution to future SCG sensor systems for monitoring the health of astronauts. In particular, SArES research will focus on local data backup and a hardware, firmware and software system tailored to the Artemis mission as a flight-capable system. The SArES project line is funded and administered by German Space Agency at DLR, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (FKZ 50WB2421A)

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