- CubeSat LAB [cubesat]
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- Smart Sensors [lehre-ss22-SMS]
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- Smart Sensors [lehre-ss23-SMS]
SS24 [lehre-ss24]
- Grundlagen Raumfahrtelektronik [lehre-ss24-RFEI]
- Smart Sensors [lehre-ss24-SMS]
WS21 [lehre-ws21]
- Energieeffizienz in eingebetteten Systemen [lehre-ws21-EEE]
WS22 [lehre-ws22]
- Energieeffizienz in eingebetteten Systemen [lehre-ws22-EEE]
WS23 [lehre-ws23]
- Energieeffizienz in eingebetteten Systemen [lehre-ws23-EEE]
WS24 [lehre-ws24]
- Energieeffizienz in eingebetteten Systemen [lehre-ws24-EEE]
- Research Based Learning [lehre-ws24-RBL]
- Seminare [lehre-ws24-SEM]
SS22 [lehre-ss22]
People [people]
- Thorbjörn Albrecht [albrecht]
- Lucas Bublitz [bublitz]
- Christopher Büchse [buechse]
- Fabian Büllesbach [buellesbach]
- Paul Erb [erb]
- Farhan Mohammad Shaikh [farhan]
- Former Staff of the Smart Sensors Working Group [formerstaff]
- Marek Jahnke [jahnke]
- Jannik Johannsen [johannsen]
- Kadir Ufuk Kandira [kandira]
- Ulf Kulau [kulau]
- Yannick Loeck [loeck]
- Kazi Mohammad Abidur Rahman [rahman]
- Davis Rakhshan [rakhshan]
- Dharaneshwar Sasidharan [sasidharan]
- Publications [publications-all]
- Research [research]
- Sitemap [sitemap]
Theses (PA/BA/MA) [theses]
- Inbetriebnahme eines Bluetooth Low Energy BCG Sensors [BA-BCG_BLE]
- Implementation and Evaluation of an efficient chest-worn PPG Sensor [BA-PPG]
- Beurteilung der Energieeffizienz des Messverfahrens zur Bioimpedanzmessung von Kartoffeln [BA-PotatoR]
- Towards a resource efficient system for ecoacoustic recording [BA-ecoacoustic]
- Integration and Evaluation of picorv32 RISC-V on ICE40 FPGA [BA-picorv32_eval]
- Energy Harvesting für Unterwasser-Sensoren und Nutzung des Energiesignals zur Bestimmung von Strömungsparametern [BA-underwater]
- Area Optimization of a Motor Control SoC utilizing a tightly coupled RISC-V [MA-Analog]
- I3C Interface Implementation and IMU Performance Evaluation on FPGA [MA-I3C]
- Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines IMU Sensors mit hoher Samplerate zur Positionsbestimmung eines Roboterarms [MA-IMU-Trace]
- Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Frameworks für die optimale Platzierung von LiFi-Transceivern basierend auf Physically-Based Rendering [MA-LiFi_Placement]
- Development and Evaluation of an Energy-efficient LiFi-Receiver with Energy-Harvesting Capability [MA-LiFi_SelfHarvesting]
- Power Supply and Wireless Charging of miniaturized Sensor System [MA-MiniPW]
- Skalierbare Sicherheitsarchitektur für Frequenzumrichter - Analyse von Maßnahmen für den funktional sicheren Betrieb von eingebetteten Systemen [MA-NordAG]
- Design of Calibration Algorithm for Single Channel NDIR CO2 Sensor [MA-Renases]
- Integration and Evaluation of an Online BCG Compression Core into a RISC-V Softcore [MA-RiscVcompress]
- Eingebettete KI zur sensornahen Auswertung von BCG Signalen [MA-SCGKI]
- Evaluation von Undervolting auf LP FPGAs [MA-Testbench]
- Development and evaluation of a dynamic channel-model and Multiple-Access-Control-Protocols for LiFi communication in OMNeT++ [MA-lifiomnetsim]
- Entwicklung einer effizienten und zuverlässigen LiFi-Kommunikation für Kleinstsensoren [MA-lifisense]
- Fehlererkennung auf ULP FPGA beim Undervolting [MA-undervolting]
- Weiterentwicklung eines Arduino-basierten Messsystems für das Boden- Monitoring in einem Gewächshausversuch [PA-AWW]
- Anomaly Detection from BCG Signal With Artificial Intelligence [PA-BCGAnomalie]
- Efficient online Compression of BCG Data [PA-BCG_compress]
- Design of a Flash-Based Mass Storage Module for Nanosatellites [PA-CubeSat_Mass_Storage]
- Porting the RIOT real-time operating system to the STM32H7 microcontroller [PA-CubeSat_RIOT]
- Development of an FPGA fault injection mechanism via Fimware Modification [PA-FIFM]
- Implementation and Evaluation of Color-Intensity-Modulation (CIM) on an LP-FPGA [PA-FPGA_CIM]
- Implementation and Evaluation of different Pulse-Time-Modulations (PTM) on a Low-Power FPGA [PA-FPGA_PTM]
- Lightweight Testcore for Hardware Modules of LP FPGAs [PA-FPGA_Test]
- Development of an efficient Anomaly Detection Mechanism for Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) [PA-IMU_Anomaly]
- Development and experimental validation of a Python-Based Library for predicting received output current in LED-Photodiode configurations [PA-LED_PD_Calc_Lib]
- Implementation and Evaluation of a Library for different MAC-Protocols for LiFi-communication for MCUs [PA-MAC_LIB]
- CSK-Based Communication Implementation and Evaluation with VD6283TX Ambient Light Sensor. [PA-MCS_CSK]
- Implementation of a Over The Air (OTA) Device Firmware Update (DFU) on BLE SoCs [PA-OTA_DFU_nRF]
- Design of a PCB and Evaluation of the OWC Transceiver AFBR-FS13B25 [PA-OWC_Transceiver_Evaluation]
- Performance Analysis of Gyroscope for BCG/SCG Measurement [PA-SCG_Gyro]
- Evaluation and Optimization of a Resource Constraint Test Core in Ultra Low-Power FPGAs [PA-TC_Eval_and_Opt]
- Design and evaluation of a transimpedance-amplifier for a LiFi receiver [PA-TIA_OPV_OPTIMIZATION]
- Real-time Feature Extraction from Time-series data using ML/DL/AI [PA-TimeSeries_ML]
- Funktionaler Prototyp für öko-akustische Forschung [PA-ecoacoustic]
- Design, Implementation and Validation of a Digital Filter on iCE40-UP [PA_Filter_Ice40]
- Error-correcting code between file system and SPI Flash to secure data storage [PA_Flash_RS]
- Design and Implementation of a Raspberry Pi based Test Controller for 'Space-Patch’ during Radiation Test [PA_TC_Rad_Test_MCU]
- General process of a thesis [thesesremark]
- Bachelor and Master Thesis [thesesremark_BA_MA]
- Project Thesis [thesesremark_PA]