Lucas Bublitz

Lucas Bublitz

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Telefon: +49 40 42878 3540
Adresse: Am Schwarzenberg 3 (E), 3.028
Personensuche: Zum Eintrag


AuRelia: Autonomous and Reliable SCG-Sensor System for Human Space Exploration
The AuRelia project addresses challenges of health sensors for lunar missions with strong sensor autonomy and extremely high reliability. It focuses on SCG (Seismocardiography) sensors and serves as a foundation for further fundamental research on SCG, marking the first investigation into artifact formation on SCG.
RISA: RISA - Reliability Investigation of Low Power FPGAs for Space Applications
RISA (Reliability Investigation of Low Power FPGAs for Space Applications) is a small payload for the PLUTO technology demonstrator satellite. In particular, RISA tests the suitability of low-power FPGAs for use in space missions and evaluates mechanisms for detecting errors. RISA payload will provide important findings for the reliable use of LP FPGAs in space environments.

Past Projects

BEAT: (Wireless Compose 2) BEAT - Ballistocardiography for Extraterrestrial Applications and Long-Term Missions
The BEAT experiment performed on the ISS is investigating ballistocardiography as a method for inconspicuous and resource-saving long-term monitoring of cardiovascular function.

Teaching and Courses

Awards und Grants



ENSsys Workshop
Let’s go below – Potential of Undervolting on Low-Power FPGAs
Lucas Bublitz, Jochen Rust, Ulf Kulau11th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ACM ENSsys 2023)2023. [BibTex]
NorCAS Conference
Performance Evaluation of PicoRV32 RISC-V Softcore for Resource-Constrained Devices
Marek Jahnke, Lucas Bublitz, Ulf KulauIEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE NorCAS)2023.
10.1109/NorCAS58970.2023.10305479 [BibTex]

Supervised Theses

Open Theses Topics

Behavior of a RISC-V soft-core on a low-power FPGA during undervolting

Typ: Forschungsprojekt
Status: offen
Supervisors: Lucas Bublitz
Undervolting offers the potential to run a circuit with low voltage/power consumption. This offers enormous runtime advantages for battery operated sensors. The downside is that errors can occur. These errors should to be analyzed on a RISC-V using a top-down approach.

Behavior of undervolting on a low-power FPGA, systematic investigation of delays, structural differences,...

Typ: Forschungsprojekt
Status: offen
Supervisors: Lucas Bublitz
Undervolting offers the potential to run a circuit with low voltage/power consumption. This offers enormous runtime advantages for battery operated sensors. In this work, the physical conditions are to be examined. Such as delays, structural differences,...

Finished Student Theses

Entwicklung einer effizienten und zuverlässigen LiFi-Kommunikation für Kleinstsensoren

Typ: Masterarbeit
Status: abgeschlossen
Supervisors: Ulf Kulau, Lucas Bublitz
In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, wie mittels LiFi Kommunikation Daten drahtlos von einem hoch-miniaturisierten Sensorsystem zuverlässig und effizient an eine Datensenke übermittelt werden können.