
Our research focus is digital data and signal processing, real-time data processing, energy-efficient processing, as well as reliability, fault tolerance and embedded fault diagnosis in the context of 'smart' sensor technology.

Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

AuRelia: Autonomous and Reliable SCG-Sensor System for Human Space Exploration
The AuRelia project addresses challenges of health sensors for lunar missions with strong sensor autonomy and extremely high reliability. It focuses on SCG (Seismocardiography) sensors and serves as a foundation for further fundamental research on SCG, marking the first investigation into artifact formation on SCG.

SatelLight: SatelLight
The SatelLight project addresses the challenges of internal communications within a satellite. Research is being conducted into how LiFi - data transmission via light - can be used to replace cable harnesses and make communications more secure, robust and reliable.

EduSat: Kleinsatellit als Chance für Fach-, Semesterübergreifende und interdisziplinäre Lehre
Das Projekt EduSat fördert die intrinsische Motivation der Studierenden, indem es innovative Lehrinhalte in Elektrotechnik und Informatik durch die Entwicklung eines CubeSat vermittelt. Studierende aus verschiedenen Studiengängen arbeiten semester- und fachübergreifend an allen Phasen des Projekts, von der Konzeption bis zum Testen des Satelliten. Das Projekt ist in Primär- und Sekundärmissionen unterteilt, wobei sich die Primärmission auf die On-Board-Avionik (Raumfahrtelektronik) konzentriert und durch die aktive Beteiligung von Studierenden aus Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Mathematik und anderen Fachbereichen der TUHH eine breite Wirkung erzielt.
SArES: SArES - SCG-Sensorsystem für Artemis II Experiment SpacePatch
SArES is making an important contribution to future SCG sensor systems for monitoring the health of astronauts. In particular, SArES research will focus on local data backup and a hardware, firmware and software system tailored to the Artemis mission as a flight-capable system.
RISA: RISA - Reliability Investigation of Low Power FPGAs for Space Applications
RISA (Reliability Investigation of Low Power FPGAs for Space Applications) is a small payload for the PLUTO technology demonstrator satellite. In particular, RISA tests the suitability of low-power FPGAs for use in space missions and evaluates mechanisms for detecting errors. RISA payload will provide important findings for the reliable use of LP FPGAs in space environments.

Finished Projects

BEAT: (Wireless Compose 2) BEAT - Ballistocardiography for Extraterrestrial Applications and Long-Term Missions
The BEAT experiment performed on the ISS is investigating ballistocardiography as a method for inconspicuous and resource-saving long-term monitoring of cardiovascular function.