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SatelLight - Untersuchung optischer Methoden für Intrasatelltenkommunikation

Teilprojekt: Zuverlässige, Effektive und autonome LiFi-Komponenten und Freiraumdatenübertragung

Project Period: 01.08.2023 - 31.01.2026

The cable harnesses in satellites contributes to an increased overhead, both in development and testing, as well as in weight and complexity. Cables and connectors are susceptible to wear.

Data transmission via radio frequency already offers the possibility of reducing these cable harnesses. However, this introduces the problem of electro-magnetic interferences.

In the SatelLight project different components, modulation schemes and encodings for intra-satellite LiFi communication are researched.

LiFi increases bandwidth, real-time capability, robustness and reliability of the intra-satellite communication. In addition, eavesdropping security is increased because light is limited within the walls. Furthermore, the use of light for autonomous operation of components is investigated.

A LiFi transceiver is developed using the knowledge gained from the project and spatial structures are optimized.

SatelLight GIF


Latest News


SenSys Demo Abstract
Demo Abstract: SatelLight – Using LiFi for Intra-Satellite Communication
Marek Jahnke, Sebastian Grau, Ulf Kulauthe 21th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems2023. [BibTex]
NorCAS Conference
Performance Evaluation of PicoRV32 RISC-V Softcore for Resource-Constrained Devices
Marek Jahnke, Lucas Bublitz, Ulf KulauIEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE NorCAS)2023.
10.1109/NorCAS58970.2023.10305479 [BibTex]

External Partners

We also work closely together with Technische Universität Berlin.

TU Berlin Logo

The SatelLight project is funded and administered by German Space Agency at DLR, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (FKZ 50RP2360B)

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action