Implementation of Debugger-Based Fault Injection for the STM32H7
- Typ der Arbeit: Bachelorarbeit
- Status der Arbeit: reserviert
- Projekte: EduSat
- Betreuer: Yannick Loeck
Bitflips from single event upsets (SEUs) frequently occur in space, but are difficult to reproduce reliably on the ground. Radiation tests are expensive, and lack the ability to target areas of memory precisely.
The goal of this thesis is to use debugging tools to deliberately rewrite contents of RAM and flash memory to simulate the effects of SEUs. You should build a tool that can discover which memory regions are used and write various fault patterns (e.g. random, burst).
The first step should focus on RAM, where different ECC algorithms applied to stored data can be compared against different fault patterns. This should then be extended to data (and code) stored in flash memory. Fault outcomes such as stalls, faults, and no error, should be identified and reported.