U nsere Veröffentlichungen am Institut umfassen:



  • Thiel, M.; Blunder, N.; Ziegenbein, J.; Braun, P.; Kreutzfeldt, J. (2023): Bridging the Normative Gap: Standardization for Sidewalk Robots in a World of Self-Driving Cars, Personal Robots and Automated Industrial Vehicles. ICRA Workshop Lab-to-Real Gap, 01.06.2023
  • Thiel, M.; Ziegenbein, J.; Blunder, N.; Hinckeldeyn, J.; Kreutzfeldt, J. (2023): Mobile Robots on Sidewalks: Legal Context and Resulting Requirements for Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery in Germany. ICRA Workshop MACTAS, 28.05.2023


  • Knitt, M., Schyga, J., Adamanov, A., Hinckeldeyn, J., & Kreutzfeldt, J. (2022). PalLoc6D – Estimating the Pose of a Euro Pallet with an RGB Camera based on Synthetic Training Data. TUHH Universitätsbibliothek.
  • Heinemann, M., Herzfeld, J., Sliwinski, M., Hinckeldeyn, J., & Kreutzfeldt, J. (2022). Measured data for „A metrological and application-related comparison of six consumer grade stereo depth cameras for the use in robotics“. TUHH Universitätsbibliothek.


  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2018): (Short Paper) Developing a smart storage container for a Blockchain-based supply chain application. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT 2018). Zug, Switzerland, 20.06.2018 – 22.06.2018.
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2018): Blockchain in der Logistik – Beispiel einer digitalen Supply Chain Anwendung, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer, Summit Autonomisierte Supply Chain, Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund, 21.03.2018
  • Altfeld, Nils; Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2013): ‘Identifying Application Barriers of Bottleneck Management Approaches in Product Design and Engineering‘. In Proceedings of R&D Management Conference 2013. Manchester.
  • Altfeld, Nils; Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Harbeck, Björn; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2011). ‘Bottleneck management with throughput curves: A simulation in practice.’ In International Association for Management of Technology IAMOT 2011 Proceedings. 20th International Conference on Management of Technology. Miami.
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Kubera, Dennis; Altfeld, Nils; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2010). ‘Measuring the performance of assembly processes using throughput curves.’ In International Association for Management of Technology IAMOT 2010 Proceedings. 19th International Conference on Management of Technology. Cairo. (Beitrag eingeladen für eine Sonderausgabe des International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics)
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2009). ‘Performance improvement in production systems through practice-oriented bottleneck management.’ In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Management. 4th European Conference on Technology Management. Glasgow


  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2018): Blockchain in der Logistik – Beispiel einer digitalen Supply Chain Anwendung, Innovationstag, GS1, Köln, 18.06.2018
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2018): Blockchain in der Logistik – Beispiel einer digitalen Supply Chain Anwendung, Podiumsdiskussion „Blockchain – der Digitalturbo für die Logistik“, CEMAT, Hannover, 26.04.2018
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2018): Blockchain in der Logistik – Beispiel einer digitalen Supply Chain Anwendung, Hamburger Logistikkolloquium, TU Hamburg, 28.02.2018
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Günther, Ninja; Altfeld, Nils; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2011). ‘Bottleneck management software for the improvement of production performance.’ In Proceedings of Science, technique and innovation technologies in the Great Revival epoch conference 2011. Science, technique and innovation technologies in the Great Revival epoch conference. Ashgabat.
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes; Altfeld, Nils; Kreutzfeldt, Jochen (2012): ‘Performance improvement of engineering and manufacturing through bottleneck management’. 20. Jahresfeier Firma Berghof Systeme e.K. Königsee.
  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2012): ‘Improving Productivity of Design and Engineering through Application of Operations Management Methods’. UWS Research Student Conference 2012. Paisley. (Gewinner des Preises für die beste Präsentation an der UWS Business School.)
  • Kreutzfeldt, Jochen; Hinckeldeyn Johannes (2011): ‘Durchsatzsteigerung in der Produktion durch engpassorientierte Planung und Steuerung. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Abschlussveranstaltung Förderlinie ‘Ingenieurnachwuchs 2007’. Berlin.


  • Maiser, Eric; Schirrmeister, Elna; Göhring, Anne-Louise; Hompel, Michael ten (2018): Autonomisierte Supply Chain. Zukunftsbilder für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Hg. v. Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Frankfurt am Main.


  • Hinckeldeyn, Johannes (2018): Interview in intraLOGISTIK, in: Sonderheft (Ausgabe 08/18) der VerkehrsRundschau, zum Thema „Blockchain-Technologie“